November 20, 2020Living Our Art & Fill Your Basket adjust to new COVID Standards

Living Our Art
Community Event
November 21st 2020 6pm -7:45pm

Fill Your Basket Artisan Market ~ nqʷicistxʷ an pʔina
November 21st 2020 4:30 pm – 8:30 pm

With the announcements of new COVID-19 safety measures from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, November 21st Indigenous Living Our Art in person event is cancelled and Fill Your Basket Artisan Market is postponed until further notice.

We invite our community to join the celebration of syilx/Okanagan artists streaming virtually through Zoom and you can register HERE and enjoy this event from the safety of your home.

We will continue to follow all appropriate directives from Dr. Henry and the province as we battle COVID-19 together, just as we have done since March. We’re currently evaluating this afternoon’s news and how it will impact our upcoming events. We will, of course, keep you informed of any further postponements, adjustments or cancellations.

We must all continue to do our best to flatten the curve and protect our families and each other. We remain committed to celebrating, nurturing, and promoting the Arts throughout this crisis, but we must do so in a way that is safe and appropriate.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at [email protected].

Thank you for your ongoing support. Please stay safe!


Living Our Art & Fill Your Basket adjust to new COVID Standards