June 12, 2020From sub-arctic farming to an escalating global housing crisis, here are the latest releases from our Virtual Cinema House

Welcome to the Virtual Cinema House, a program of RCA @ Home.

Join us as we bring you exclusive access to first run and award-winning documentaries, not available on any other platform or media in Canada.

The Virtual Cinema House offers two new documentary releases each week. For less than $10 per film, you can watch your selected films for up to 5 days.

The following films are available beginning June 12, 2020

Sovereign Soil

At the far-flung edge of Canada’s boreal forest, outside the tiny sub-Arctic town of Dawson City, Yukon, a handful of unlikely farmers are growing everything from snow-covered Brussels sprouts to apples. Sovereign Soil is an ode to the beauty of this ferocious, remote land and the wisdom of those who’ve chosen to call it home.

Director: David Curtis

Year: 2019

Runtime: 91 minutes

Country: Canada

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Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities around the world. Incomes are not. PUSH sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, our increasingly unliveable cities and an escalating crisis that has an effect on us all. This is not gentrification, it’s a different kind of monster.The film follows Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, as she’s travelling the globe, trying to understand who’s being pushed out of the city and why. “I believe there’s a huge difference between housing as a commodity and gold as a commodity. Gold is not a human right, housing is,” says Leilani.

Director: Fredrik Gertten

Year: 2019

Runtime: 92 minutes

Country: Sweden

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